Sex Love Doll-Minnie
Minnie, a 22-year-old girl from Japan, lives in Japan (Tokyo City) and works in a bar in the Ginza building, entertaining foreign tourists visiting the red light district.
Her speciality is oral sex, which she can provide to men sitting at the bar through curtains that are cleverly placed under the bar. On the surface, her client was drinking, yet Minnie was on the other side of the table, squatting between her client’s legs, making deep love from behind the curtain.
She made a lot of money over the years because she was good at what she did, but despite this, she was lonely because she never knew her clients or even couldn’t talk to them.
Sex Doll Measurements
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(Only for full-body sex dolls)


Vaginal Irrigator



Heating Rod

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Going through a divorce right now, and not ready to get out there to meet anyone else so soon. However, I am a man and men have needs. A friend suggested a sex doll to me, and at first I laughed at him. However, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. I found Minnie, took some money from my savings, and purchased. What a great investment. I get my needs fulfilled without having to go out and be on the rebound. Fantastic product and idea.